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Peugeot Gap Insurance ( Guaranteed Asset protection from ) from Total Loss.

We need to let you know that we are not affiliated with Peugeot or any manufacturer and are proud to be completely independent.


Which Gap Insurance from TLG is best for you?


Contract Hire Gap insurance Quote for your Peugeot     Return to Invoice Gap Insurance Quote for your Peugeot     Vehicle Replacement Gap insurance Quote for your Peugeot


This will depend on what you want to happen when and if your Peugeot is written off.

With Gap Insurance from TLG, you can drive with a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you're protected in the event of a write-off.


So, how will a TLG Gap Insurance policy work and what options are there?


The types of Gap Insurance policies available for your vehicle will vary depending upon eligiblilty criteria, such as the age or mileage of the vehicle and how you have purchased your new car.


Contract/Lease Hire 

If you purchased your Peugeot through a contract hire or lease hire agreement, rest assured we have a policy specifically tailored for this scenario.

If your Peugeot is written off, your car insurance company will offer you what they consider to be its market value on the day. Your Contract Hire Gap Insurance policy will pay the difference between your motor insurer's settlement and the amount outstanding on your lease agreement with your finance company.

This outstanding balance could be differences in:

  • market value
  • a proportion of outstanding rentals
  • early termination fees

Please remember that your Peugeot is not yours and can never be yours. Therefore, we are not protecting the invoice or replacement cost; we ensure you can walk away without further liability. So, as long as you are up to date with your contract hire or lease hire payments, you can walk away.

Your Gap Insurance policy will also pay up to £250 towards your motor insurer's excess payment; however, it will not cover any late payment charges or arrears.

Please note that your Gap Insurance policy will not cover any negative equity carried over from another agreement.


Return to Invoice 

However, if you have purchased your new car using a cash payment, bank loan, personal contract plan, or hire purchase because you have the legal right to take ownership, we can now look at different ways to protect the purchase price and, in some cases, even the replacement cost.

If your Peugeot is declared a write-off, a Peugeot return to invoice gap insurance from TLG policy will pay the difference between your motor insurer's market value settlement and the higher of:

  • The amount outstanding on your finance agreement ( this must be linked to your car or LCV )
  • The original invoice price you paid.

Between your two insurance companies, you now have the total purchase price. If you paid cash or a bank loan, this is now yours to spend as you wish. If you paid for your Peugeot using a finance package, the finance is cleared first, and the balance left is sent to you again to spend as you wish.


Vehicle Replacement 

Depending on the age of your Peugeot, its mileage, and what you are using it for, you may also be offered a form of vehicle replacement Gap Insurance.

This policy takes return-to-invoice gap insurance to the next level. A Return-to-invoice (RTI) Gap Insurance policy protects your Peugeot's potential deprecation. Meanwhile a Vehicle Replacement (VRI) Gap Insurance cover protects this as well as any expense of the replacement.

A vehicle replacement policy pays the difference between your insurance company's market value settlement and the higher amount of:

  • The outstanding finance
  • The original purchase price of the vehicle which you paid
  • The replacement cost of another Peugeot the same as yours was on the day you first drove it home. If that model is unavailable, settlement is based on the new model. If there is no new model, settlement is based on the invoice price plus ten per cent.


How much does Peugeot Gap Insurance from TLG cost?


The price you are quoted for your Peugeot gap insurance from TLG will depend on:

  • The invoice price you paid for your Peugeot
  • What type of gap insurance do you want?
  • The length of cover you want.


Why not click for an instant Peugeot Gap Insurance quote from us and see how much you can save?


Our policies offer comprehensive cover without dilution, no mileage restrictions, and the potential to save you from significant financial loss.


Is Peugeot Gap Insurance from TLG worth it?


As you may have guessed, we have been providing gap insurance cover for over a decade and have years of experience seeing the benefits of coverage. So yes, we think absolutely it is worth protecting your Peugeot with a form of cover. However, this is a question only you can answer, as without a form of protection, it is you who will have to cope with any financial fallout.

IPID for Peugeot Total Loss Contract Hire policies purchased from June 24Total Loss IPID From June 2024               T&Cs for Peugeot Total Loss Contract Hire policies purchased from June 24Total Loss Contract Hire From June 2024


Peugeot Total Loss RTI IPID from June 24Total Loss IPID From June 2024                Peugeot Total Loss RTI Terms from June 24Total Loss Return to Invoice From June 2024


IPID for Peugeot Total Loss Vehicle Replacement Policies purchased from June 24Total Loss IPID From June 2024                T&Cs for Peugeot Total Loss Vehicle Replacement Policies purchased from June 24Total Loss VRI GAP From June 2024


At, we can also offer additional insurance cover options, such as:


Excess insurance to cover your Peugeot Excess Payment     Alloy Wheel Insurance for your Peugeot     Smart Care Insurance for your Peugeot

Tyre and Alloy Wheel insurance for your New Peugeot     Scratch and Dent insurance for your Peugeot     Peugeot Tyre insurance


The History of Peugeot


Peugeot is a French automotive manufacturer with a long and rich history. The company was founded in 1810 as a manufacturer of coffee mills and bicycles. It later expanded into producing automobiles, and in 1889, Peugeot built its first car. Since then, Peugeot has become known for its innovative engineering and stylish design.


Over the years, Peugeot has produced iconic models such as the 205, 306, and 508 and established itself as a major player in the global automotive industry. Peugeot has also been successful in motorsport, particularly rallying, with numerous victories in the World Rally Championship.


For a full list of Peugeot cars in the 2024 model range, please visit Peugeot Uk for the most current and accurate information.