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[ Contact Us ]

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0800 195 4926

Do you have a question? or need help?

Customer Service Lines Open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Closed Saturday & Sunday

0800 195 4926

Customer Service Lines Open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

Total Loss Gap Vulnerable Customers


At Total Loss Gap, we understand that we may all need a little extra help and support from time to time.


We have trained our staff to make sure that they have the skills and knowledge to respond to customers' needs who may be in vulnerable circumstances.


To aid our team and to make sure that we can offer the best and most appropriate levels of support, can you please email us on

[email protected]


There are many reasons that you may need additional support.


You could need additional support because  

  • You are grieving the recent loss of a loved one
  • English may not be your first language.
  • You may have hearing difficulties,
  • You may have mental health issues,
  • You may have learning difficulties
  • You may have problems understanding letters or policy documents.

This list is not complete and is intended to give examples of customers and policyholders who may be classified as vulnerable or who may need additional support.

If you would like more information about how we can provide additional support, please contact a member of the team.


By initiating early communication, we aim to provide you with the best possible support.


Our commitment to all our customers, including those in vulnerable circumstances, extends to our continuous efforts to strive to improve and adapt our services to meet your needs.